Monday, May 20, 2013

It's a Girl !!!!!!!!

Life is whacky...........
...........Just one year later

Weird to believe that just a year ago I was experiencing a life as a potential expecting father. The 1% club that my mother, sister and I used to say we belong to in case that female who was claiming to be carrying my child was actually telling the truth.  For that 1% we held true.  For that 1% she was actually pregnant and carrying my life inside of her.  With all of our doubts and all of the lies she told us and everyone else that would give her the time of day, we held true.  True for that 1% of there being an addition to "our family".  No words ring stronger or carry more weight in my life that that of my family.

I was blessed to go back to NY this past weekend and take part in the innaguration of my Dad as the New York State President of the Elks Association.  I was honored to be asked to second the nomination on the convention floor and I was blessed to spend a few days with my family.

It was my grandmother "Nanny" who I believe installed that sense of cherishing each moment of life.  I recall as a young child her telling me that one day she would not be around and that I should cherish each and every moment that I had with her.  I like to think I have learned that lesson of life well and although time flies and things get in the way and at times I seem to have forgotten that lesson, I like to think it is a centering point for me and I always come back.

Last entry, I addressed the WHY?? a little bit.  The why of how I live my life, the why of doing an Ironman when I have never even entered a triathlon before.  To me it is all about cherishing each moment of life.  Of putting myself in the position of experiencing something new.  Of seeing life from a different angle.  It is something that I have become.  It is who I am.  It is life.

 My family, my religion and my philosophies have also taught to feel compassion and to have forgiveness in my heart.  So I look at my scenario of a year ago with humor, laughter, compassion and forgiveness.  I forgive the sick individual who lives a life of lies, deceit and cruelty of what they attempted to do to me and my family/friends.  I have compassion for her for I could not even imagine what would bring someone to the brink of what she has done and how she lives her life and that I have spent many hours praying for someone to be able to help her and mend her distorted mind and soul.  I like to think I have sense of humor, although a bit odd at times, by almost a year later introducing a new Baby Girl "Bella Nera" into the world.  My beautiful Cannondale Slice 5 was brought home just last week.  I was as giddy as a school girl going to pick her up.  Seriously, I was laughing out loud and at myself for the feeling I had inside, the anticipation, the excitement.  I was a 5 year old on Christmas morning.

As family, I was taught you always look out for one another.  I know in my heart she will take good care of me and protect me on my rides.  Long or short, uphill or down, I will spend a huge amount of time with her over the course of the next few months as I prepare for Cozumel.  I expect many a funny stories to be made while atop of her saddle.  I welcome and am overjoyed to have Bella Nera in my life.

sempre famiglia

1 comment:

  1. Marty a few years ago your fiance leaves without any real reason given and now I read about some warped woman claiming that you are the father to her made up baby. are some strong man. To handle both of these scenarios with compassion and pride and humor. You are a better man than I my friend. I know you always say, everything happens for a reason. I only hope that reason is some knock out. You are always in my thoughts my friend.....truly one of the last great guys. Love ya man.


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